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Free Online Text Analysis Tool

Answers to open-ended questions can be extremely valuable to Human Resources, Market Research, Education, Customer Satisfaction, and Market Research. 

Most organizations avoid asking these types of unstructured questions because they don’t have the ability to analyze them in a quick and cost efficient manner.

Those companies that do analyze texts/responses know that it quickly becomes time-consuming, painful, and often lacks objectivity.

One simple answer to your text analysis nightmare : GignoMind

  • Lite: nothing to install, application is online.
  • Simple: no need to pre-define words or create dictionaries. Just copy and paste your texts for analysis. It’s that simple !
  • Visual: we supply a simple user-friendly interface with a dashboard because YOU understand what your see.
  • Quick: you can take action on the results immediately and share them electronically.
Try GignoMind Basic now, no hassles, for free. Please also take a look at our other solutions we have to offer.

Want to try our free version but don’t have data click here to download an Excel sample file.


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